Tag Archives: fort worth buick gmc

Ever Wonder What A 5 Million Dollar Garage Looks Like

Here at Freeman Grapevine, we love all things automotive and this is simply amazing. The garage in the video below cost roughly $5,000,000 to construct, includes and aircraft carrier elevator and contains millions more in cars, trucks, SUVs, Motorcycles, an RV and God knows what else. I just clicked on the video for fun. This is reported to be one of the most expensive personal garages in existence.

Take a look for yourself.

Now while we all can’t afford or even need such an elaborate car collection and housing facility, I goes to show you that the love some people have for the automobile knows no bounds. Have you run into really unique automotive videos, or stories you can share?

Now do I really need to say that, although this guy’s garage might be impressive, it can’t beat our service center facility…hey, at least we have more certified mechanics than that guys does.

Noisy Front End, You May Need A Wheel Hub Replacement

If you have a noisy front end suspension, shaking steering wheel or hear a low growling noise you may need to have your hub bearing assembly examined and replaced. Let me say right off the bat, that this is not something you should ignore, or let go. We want you to know that if you do, it can cause further damage and a possible catastrophic failure of your steering system.

Before assuming that you have a hub bearing assembly problem, you’ll first want to verify the source of the noise. Often noise can be caused by newly paved or uneven roads, tire pattern or uneven tire wear caused by other suspension issues. This makes diagnosing a faulty hub bearing assembly tough sometimes.

What exactly is a hub bearing assemble? It’s basically bearing mounted inside the hub which is attached to the axle and keeps the wheels spinning smoothly.


A worn, or faulty hub bearing assembly is nothing to take lightly, as it could result in the loss of steering, a total separation of the wheel which will result in an accident. If you are hearing any noise coming from your front end and you aren’t sure what it is, we suggest that you bring it in to us, Freeman Grapevine, for further diagnosis and inspection.

The Cell Phone Is Now A Necessity On Dallas Fort Worth Roads

It wasn’t too long ago that the cell phone was a luxury. It was expensive and the calling plans were too. Eventually the technology of communications has caught up with us. The devices got much better and so did the calling plans. I wonder what Alexander Graham Bell would think of cell phones today.

Once being slightly despised because of your accessibility has now become a communication system that will tell everyone you know where you are. what you are doing and probably the new 300 things you plan to do over the week.

The rub of is that the cell phone has now become a virtual necessity for daily operation. When you think about it. A smart phone running an advanced operating system can generate a lot of information and get out out of a bind in the future.

Let’s pretend you have a flat. You can call some one for help. You can learn how to change it yourself via YouTube. You can send an email to your mechanic and text your friends telling them you’ll be a little late all in a mater of moments. So, here are a few tips to keeping what is now one of the most important tools in your car functional:

  • Keep your cell phone charged at all times.
  • If possible have a back up battery accessible and fully charged as well.
  • Keep your cell phone away from water.
  • Program all of your emergency contacts in your phone
  • Just like a medical ID bracelet, you can also store information on your phone such as allergies, prescriptions and medical conditions.
  • If you have an iPhone, download the Child ID app created by the FBI to help get information out quickly for a missing child.
  • Add ICE, “in case of emergency,” to contacts you would like contacted in an emergency. This is not very reliable as there are many different types of phones out there that people may be unfamiliar with and if your phone is locked then there’s no sense in doing it in the first place.
  • If you phone is equipped with a camera it can be helpful in documenting damages to things like your car or property.
  • If you are lost, most smartphones have a map app that can help you find your way.

I almost hate to admit it. But this is one invention that has both made our lives infinitely more complicated but also seems to be at the center of solving most of our daily problems.

Do you know of something you just can’t live without in regards to your car? If so, tell your Dallas Fort Worth Buick GMC dealer, Freeman Grapevine the one thing you can’t live without in your car?