Color your me impressed with German ingenuity for giving you a little entertainment as you sit and wait for your turn to cross at a crosswalk.
Crosswalk Pong. That’s right, Crosswalk Pong. So you get stuck before you get a chance to cross. In Germany, there’s no reason to rush, miss you crossing signal and get plowed over by a European sedan. Now you have a fun reason to wait.
Crosswalk Pong pits you against someone else on the other side of the street in a good old fashioned pong game. As your light counts down, you are visually warned that your game will be coming to an end soon and you can cross the street.
In the meantime, the German Transportation Department put themselves in the walker’s shoes and came up with a pretty fun to kill a few minutes while waiting to cross the street. Check it out.
Have you run into any other fun things like this that local Governments put into place to help keep the citizenry either safe, progressing, or in this case, entertained? If so, tell your Dallas Fort Worth Buick GMC dealer, Freeman Grapevine