Tag Archives: peyton manning buick commercial

Dallas Fort Worth Buick Verano With Peyton Manning

I’m a big sports nut, for those of you that know me, you are well aware of that. I think that’s probably why I like this new 2013 Buick Verano commercial with Peyton Manning calling “audibles”. He’s using Buick’s/OnStar Voice recognition system to access information in real time. Of course, aside for it being a pretty funny commercial, the new 2013 Buick Verano has a ton of modern features that make it a front runner in the compact sedan class. It’s a solid vehicle with degree of luxury that is hard to find in any car at the Verano’s price point.


Here’s a behind the scenes look at Peyton’s commercial.


The voice activation system is an amazingly progressive feature of the new Verano, but it’s just one of many that it has to offer. The only way I can really explain to you how wonderful the 2013 Buick Verano is, is to come into Freeman Grapevine and test drive oneĀ  for yourself.