Never get into another fender bender again! I mean it, you can virtually avoid road accidents by following 3 simple thoughts while you drive: Be Observant, Be Predictive, Be Reactionary.
Something I don’t think drivers put much thought into is understanding hazards actually happen. Have you ever dissected a driving hazard or a near-miss accident?. Can you observe, predict, and react in time enough to possibly avoid an accident altogether? You’ll notice that driving is a very active function and yet many of us seem to approach it like we’re headed out fro a drive in our lazy-boy.
Now this video was for examination purposes in Britain, but it bring up some very good points of note. Primarily the one we forget is the one we should remember the most and that is that driving is a very active thing to do. It’s not time to make phone calls, or text. Heck, it’s not even the time to relax! You should be observant, predictive and reactionary every time your get behind the wheel of your Buick or GMC.