Tag Archives: kind plano police

Plano Police Officer Hides Money In A Ticket For Expired Registration

Let’s face it when we get pulled over it’s because we were breaking a traffic rule of some kind and not because the police have to meet a quota, or that you didn’t deserve to be pulled over. In fact, I’m going to share a story about a Plano Police officer who gave more than just a ticket for an expired registration, he gave the man $100 along with it.

The officer, who didn’t want to be named, simply said that the man he ticketed “needed it more than he did”. That is an amazing example of someone, not only doing their job, but being a good human being to boot!

Here’s the story:


I think everyone should take a hint from this officer. Be kind. It’s a simple philosophy. That doesn’t mean you have to give money, or time, or whatever…it means simply, “Be Kind”. The next time you see someone trying to merge in front of you, let them in with enough space, so you don’t stress them out. Give someone the parking spot you were in line for. Let the person who “really” got to the stop sign first go…and these are only car related ones! Think of all of the good Karma you will have if you make “Being Kind” one of your daily virtues…that’s how your Freeman Grapevine operates!