As a Texas GMC Dealer, one of the biggest concerns with my customers is how they can get the most mileage out of their cars gas tanks. Now there are a lot of car myths out there that we need to wade through. We’ve all heard them… whether it’s from a family member, a friend or John Doe. These “tips” have been around for ages, and that’s exactly the problem with most of them. They’ve been around for ages! For now, let’s focus on gasoline myths. Here are two of my favorites.
Running on Empty
Myth: Once your gas gauge hits empty, you have at least one more gallon of gasoline.
Reality: Most cars actually have about two gallons in their tanks when the gauge hits empty! This myth is actually true! Though we’d like to think that car manufacturers did this to be helpful to those of us who seem to always find themselves running on E with no gas station in sight, it’s really just a marketing ploy. Have you ever noticed how your gauge seems to stay on the full side much longer than it does on the empty?
National auto writer Paul Duchene said,
“Gas gauges aren’t linear. They are set up so they actually stay on ‘full’ for a long time, mosey on down to half, then plunge quickly to about a quarter, then gradually make their way down to zero, at which point you have about two gallons left.”
However, running on empty is definitely not something you should do on a regular basis… especially in the summertime.
Premium Gas Pays for Itself
Myth: Use only the best gas and your car will need fewer tune-ups and get better mileage.
Reality: The only think that using regular gas could cost you is a few extra horsepower at high speeds. But the odds are, you aren’t going to notice anyway. Most engine fuel-management systems are perfectly prepared to handle lower-octane fuel.
“The difference between 87 and 93 octane is so insignificant that you will realize neither better mileage nor fewer maintenance bills by buying supreme,” said Duchene. “It makes no difference unless the car is supercharged or it is absolutely specified that it needs higher octane.”
Check out the video below for a few more hints on saving at the pump:
Have any other tips? I’d love to hear them, swing by your Texas GMC Dealer, Freeman Grapevine and let’s talk about how you can save more at the pump.